Overall, we are very impressed with the quality of this bunk! It is super sturdy and it was easy to put together. We questioned the directions a few times but we got it done in a little over an hour. Delivery was impressive - came earlier than we expected, with live tracking on a map. However, the box did show up patched and there is one piece that is scratched up (as shown in pics) and one of the upper rails is slightly bent. It does not affect the functionality though. The height of the bed, angle of ladder, and opening in rail are perfect for a younger child (our 4-year is on the top). It's also low enough to accommodate the ceiling fan in the room. We would absolutely recommend!
All parts are labeled. Posts C and D were labeled wrong, they were swapped. Fortunately, I noticed this early on.
Over all assembly took about 2 hours, partially because of some disassembly needed because of mislabeled parts.
I recommend keeping all bolts loose until you have all of the framing assembled, then tighten them. I had some issues with holes not lining up properly due to some slight twisting.
The slats for the bottom bunk were loose on one half and extremely tight on the other half. I had to take the end cap off of one of the slats to get it to fit. I'm not sure if the side rail was bent or if the end frame was the wrong length.
This bunk bed seems to be a bit shorter than others I've assembled in the past. The room between the lower and upper bunks seems insufficient. There's not much head room on the lower bunk. You really need to be mindful of the thickness of the mattresses that you use. A 6" mattress for the bottom and top is the MAX thickness. The top bunk's rails are about 12" high, which is about the same thickness of the mattress that we previously had and had planned on using up there, but can't for safety reasons.
There's a misprint in the specs in the instruction manual saying the bottom bunk is a queen size, although the front cover does correctly state that it is full size. It actually is full size on the lower bunk.
The bunk bed itself seems pretty solid. I would probably buy again.
Very disappointed. Could not even get past building the first part of the frame due to it being bent and not aligning with the rest of the parts. Returned and got my refund.
I believe this could be a pretty good items, if customer, shipping & packaging were better. First, I was shipped the item in wrong color. We took old beds down so, kids were on the floor until new bed shipped. There item was left front house in the rain/wet ground not up steps on porch. I am sure assembly made... with that said we end up with about 3 manufacturers defects. See pics we made it work to much trouble return & ship back again.
Customer Service was not the best about these issues.
Solid for the price. Arrived a little damaged. Put it together in about an hour and a half. I could’ve done it myself but it was definitely easier with someone helping. The ladder was a little bent so the holes didn’t align. Everything else fit together easily enough. We’ve had for a couple weeks. No noticeable squeaking which I was worried about with a metal bed. My only concern has been the ladder steps are narrow. Not an issue for my 8 yr old but the 2 yr is pretty precarious on it.
This bed was way sturdier than we expected. We are very impressed and pleased with the purchase. My son is in love with his bunk bed!
I like this bed for my 2 kids
Looks beautiful and sturdy! Great bed for a great price.