Read reviews that mention:
Love the set. Somethings that you will want to know about the assembly that is not already mentioned in other reviews (which, I recommend you read almost all as the can be very helpful).
1.) Take boxes out to the place where you plan on having them. Open them in order of their box number (1/4, 2/4, etc.).
2.) Organize all of your pieces by the letter on the white sticker. As you are pulling them out of the boxes.
3.) The bolts, shims and hex nuts may come all in one bag. Take the time to go thru them and separate them into little baggies or it will make you crazy later. I had to do this with parts: P, O, Q and R specifically. The Q shims are the largest of the two and you will have a ton more if them then the O.
4.) Using a drill and a bit 3/16 (pictured) for the Allen wrenches they send you will save time. Make sure you do not over tighten and NEVER tighten all of them until you have them all on per seat. I learned this the hard way.
5.) You WILL use the tiny wrench they send for holding the R nut in place while you tighten P. Do not loose or throw away. You will also occasionally use the Allen wrenches they send for tight places that you cannot get to with your drill.
5.) Use a table or workbench. Love your back and it will love you back. Pieces are light enough, even when completed, to have at table level. If you don't have either, flip two large tubs over, cover with a blanket (which is what I had to do).
6.) The first piece you assemble will be the hardest as the directions are not the greatest. I almost went inside and burned my degree because I had to mentally struggle with angles and pieces. After the first, it goes much smoother and you can relax.
I welcome any questions. I did this by myself, on arguably the hottest day of the year so far, while my husband did yard work. I agree that Velcro is necessary (like other posts) and you will want to clamp them together (they send you clamps) as they are light and can be moved while just sitting.
Good luck and enjoy your new furniture.