I had a box like this before I moved that I lived. This is a close replacement. Easy to assemble, once you get it out the many layers of packaging! I did it in little to no time. Caution do not tighten the screws until you get them all in and Do not over tighten them. It’s sturdy and lovely!
Was excited to get the Powell Furniture Jewelry Armoire, White. Easy to put together, legs and top lid. Disappointed with how much it actually doesn't hold. The drawers are small squarish. There is more outside surface than actually storing capacity. It looks nice but will not hold all my jewelry. I recommend carefully checking the dimensions. For the price I wish I would have purchased a different brand. It's not worth 5 stars 3+ is all I can do.
I really love this. It is sturdy and was easy to assemble.
So my daughter loved it. Plenty of room for all her jewelry... especially the necklaces. The only complaint I have is that the hinge for the top/mirror was painted shut and it took a bit of an effort to break it free without bending a portion of the hinge flange. Also, one of the two screws for attaching the top/mirror to the hinge was not provided. Thus, minus one star for ease of assembly.
Cute and functional jewelry armoire I was able to assemble myself. The directions were basically pictures. If you can not look at pictures and put something together, this product is not for you.
This is a beautiful jewelry armoire. It is well made and sturdy. My husband assembled it and he said it was easy. I bought it for my ten year old granddaughter and she absolutely loves it. You won’t be disappointed.
Ordered for my teenage daughter and she loves it , it is a great size not too big and not too small . Perfect for smaller spaces
This serves our purpose. I would NOT gift this.