Easy to assemble, I did it by myself but it would have been quicker to have an additional set of hands. Very sturdy, once it is all put together it only takes 30 second to set up the bed. Holds over 440 lb without any issues. Our guests used it for 3 days and said it was comfortable. Great addition to the room for a comfortable reading chair.
Received this sofa bed so fast. Easy to set up and perfect for overnight guests. Better than using a futon on the floor. Love it!
This sofa bed is very comfortable and easy to operate. It can quickly change from sofa to bed. I live in a small apartment. When my friends come, I can sleep on it. Usually, I can relax as a sofa. It's too convenient.
Comfortable easy to assemble and easy to fold
This was easy to assemble and looks great in my space. I haven’t slept on it but it is comfortable for sitting. It is very firm.
So comfortable for me. Put two together and it's just about the size of a king bed. Approximately 74" x 75"
Thank you for a nice product G-d bless!
The six inch foam only ran down the middle. Not a comfortable chair or bed. It was returned
Im missing the screw c 6 screws. Please send them to me. Would hate to do a refund.