Similar to what I saw at Ashley but much cheaper. Easy to assemble and sturdy to sleep on. What I like the most is that no box spring is needed, and you can put storage boxes under.
This was exactly what I was looking for. My daughter and I put it together in about a half hour, we watched the video and that was helpful. It is not as black as I wanted. it is more a dark grey/black hue. It is well built and not cheap looking. I used a 10" mattress with a bamboo mattress pad (2" thick) and it worked perfect with the height of the footboard/headboard. Love It!
The bed was fairly easy to assemble. And seems sturdy. Was disappointed in the color. It was more of a silver color and not black. Luckily I had a few cans of black spray paint and was able to make it what I needed.
Pretty easy to assemble...just follow the instructions step-by-step. I did it myself, but it might be easier at certain stages of the process to have two people. I've never put furniture together before, so I am a novice in this department. It looks good, seems sturdy, and my son likes it.
Takes a little while to put together but easy. Looks very nice and it’s sturdy. No need for box spring with this bed which is nice and its quiet no squeaks when I move around. I would recommend this bed frame to friends and family.
I put the twin bedframe together myself. (65 yr old woman). Took time but it went together perfectly.
I love the style, sturdyness and looks of this bed frame.
Putting this twin bed frame together was easy and I only hit one snag. The side rail is in two pieces with a connector leg connecting them and I did have to use an attitude adjuster (big hammer) and a large screwdriver to get them to fit correctly. Other than that, I really didn't even need directions as it was so simple. Less than 30 minutes, even with the attitude adjustment! I used my power drill with a bit that is like the provided allen wrench (6-sided and size 3/16") which made it super fast and easy.
After a week of use here are my pros and cons.
It looks nice.
It does not squeak.
It seems pretty solid (even though it's fairly lightweight).
If you bump the side of the mattress it easily slides to the other side - not sure yet how to make it so the mattress bottom is not so slippery against the slats but I'll have to come up with a fix as it is a minor annoyance having to readjust it. I might try wrapping some of that rubbery shelf liner material around some of the slats.
My biggest complaint and the reason for the loss of a star is that it needs to be another inch or two longer. Putting the mattress pad, sheets and blankets on was a pain and tonight I hesitated as I stripped the bed to wash everything - as I expected, it was still a pain to re-make the bed.
I was very surprised at the quality of this bed
The sturdiness and the materials
Very easy to put together. Hubby was done in 1/2 hour.
The way this bed is made and the materials used make it very sturdy
Am veto please