Doesn’t seem to be sturdy. It shakes when someone climbs on and turns around in their sleep.
Quality isn’t great. It’s fake wood like cheap IKEA furniture - I wouldn’t buy it again for this price. It would be really easy to accidentally break.
It may have to do with the parts seemingly not having the exact fit for where they are supposed to go.
Shipping was also an issue. They only gave me 1 tracking number but there were 3 packages. I had to contact support to ask for the tracking number for the other 2 since they weren’t delivered the same day.
Very flimsy. Feels like it is going to fall apart when you get on top bunk. Drawers are particle board and crumbled when the screws went in. Stairs are very narrow. Cheaply made.
Was easy enough to put together. Only tripped up on one part. Bed is sturdy, but could be better on railing. I can see them easily breaking if not careful. Our oldest sleeps on the bottom and I 150 lbs, our youngest up top and is 100lbs. No bowing in frame or supporting boards. Stairs are steep, but not a big deal. Overall we love the bed. Excellent bed for the price. Two drawers and shelves on side are great to use for toys or clothes. Drawers roll on wheels. Only gave 4 starts as I would have liked the railing a bit stronger. But again excellent bed for the price. I would buy again if we needed another.
Although one of the three boxes it came in was shipped separately & received late, it is a positive addition to our 2nd bedroom in our vacation home. Assembly was reasonable and, despite its individual parts appearance, sturdy. The stairs however are not reversible as is implicit in the ad for them. The stairs can only go on the right side of the bed (as you face it). The other issue is that since it is full over full your ability to sit on the edge of the below bed is denied you since you would hit your head on the bed above, consider a twin over full. Otherwise, basic but looks good in the room.
Pros: Arrived quicker than anticipated, took about 2.5 hrs. for me to put together by myself, looks cute! Cons: Two pieces of the wood had a minor split, which I reinforced by filling them with wood glue. Easy fix but worth mention.
The bed is very good. Very sturdy. Well constructed. Fairly easy to assemble. You will need more than one person to move it around. The steps make me a little nervous because that part is made of manufactured wood and railing looks as it make break if too much weight leans on it. Overall very good bed for my two boys - 12 and 10 years. I’ve had it for just a few weeks and happy of my purchase. I will find out if it will last the test of time. I believe it will.
Fairly easy to assemble (considering how big it is). It is not as sturdy as I would like it to be but for the price is great. We love the extra space for storage.
Assembly instructions could use some more details to help get certain parts properly orientated during assembly. Otherwise a great setup.