Don't waste your time or money so mad this couch was so hard to put together and one side wouldn't even stay together
Very easy to assemble. Instructions were flipped for some parts. Great for the price!
I love this little sofa! I was scared at first when it was delivered. It came in 2 small but I must say, your packaging was safe, compact and very light weight. As for the sofa, I have 2 complaints. First, I noticed this yellow singed looking spot on one of the pieces, thankfully it isn’t visible once together. Secondly, when assembling, part C was very tricky fitting together with part B because it was a little too wide and didn’t line up. It was a struggle but FINALLY I got it together. Overall, the couch is cute, light weight, sturdy, long, (I’m 6’ and can stretch out on it. I also weight 210lbs) and surprisingly comfortable. Thickness I would give a 3, it’s great for sitting and laying on side for the thickness is enough to relieve the pressure off but not enough thickness for lying flat on the back for long periods of time. Price wise I would definitely recommend because it was more than I expected for as little as I paid. I think it’d be great for small apartment or other that isn’t expected to hold a big family for hours on end.
This product is beautiful and comfortable. Though it's smaller than I thought, but it was still absolutely stylish. As the photo shows, this is a sofa. The fabric and color meet my requirements very well, and it is comfortable to sit on. It's not that difficult, to assemble it by one person. it can be completed in about twenty minutes. The price is not very expensive. Overall, it suits my living room very well.
It is very good, fits well in my bedroom. I like it alot. The girls now can sit on it play ipad instead on the floor.