Took a LONG time to put together! Its very cute and sturdy I purchased for my 6 year old son and its perfect for him. His room is small and the bed is exactly what we needed. If your'e looking for a bed for older kids this is NOT the one for you. Its shorter than most but perfect for little kids. My son loves it and we are happy with the purchase.
I'm blown away! I was prepared to have to do some creative engineering to assemble this thing. Being so cheap, I wasn't expecting much. But I was wrong! It came in a box that seemed way too small, but all the pieces were there, each piece was labeled clearly, the instructions were very precise and it took less than 2 hours to assemble by myself while also keeping an eye on two todlers. The finished product is as sturdy as any other bunk bed I've ever purchased, some of which cost well over $800. It came with spare hardware, and the only tool you will need is included in the package. The height is perfect for my two young boys. The only minor complaint I have, if I absolutely must find a flaw, is that the ladder steps could be flattened metal instead of rounded bars. Seems they would be much more comfortable and stable for little feet first thing in the morning.
This furniture was easy to put together, everything was there, and steps were easy to follow. My children, 8 and 6 years old, love having their own beds and it doesn’t take up a lot of room in my one bedroom apt.
The bed was fine... I guess reading is fundamental because I didn’t know the bed was so short for younger kids. I bought this for my 10 and 13 year olds lol. I didn’t realize until I start putting it together that it was “JUNIOR KIDS” size.
I would have given this bed 4 stars, but it didn't come with instructions in the box. Maybe I'm just unlucky. Whatever right? I'll just go online and find the instructions on the website! This bed is no longer sold on the manufacturer website, so there weren't any online instructions to find. Literally cried for about 20 minutes and then I took 3-4 hours to figure it out on my own. Even though some of the bars are sautered crooked, I still managed it. Once up, it's a really cute bed and my kids like it.
This is an absolute piece of junk. If I could give it zero stars I would. The slats do no fit inside the frame due to manufactoring inequalities. Bent in so many places. I shouldn't expect much from the product because of it's price, but the quality is horrible. There is absolutely no way anyone over 30 pds could be on either the top or bottom. I am very disappointed with this purchase and would warn anyone to not purchase.
Hard to put together and feel very cheap buy has held up to test after 1 week.
Instructions were clear.
The bars don’t seem to sturdy but overall worth it for the price you pay.