The slats were done very nice , very sturdy for matresses. Took about two hours to put together. Instructions only has pictures so we reversed some of the pieces but easily fixed. The bed itself is very sturdy. The stairs were a little difficult for my grandson to get on top bunk but he finally got the hang of it. Would have been better to have the stairs angled to get up on.
My husband and I assembled this bed for our grandchildren at our beach house. It looks great and seems sturdy, however my grandchildren have not been down here to sleep in it. Putting it together took a while because of all the parts, but they were well labeled. Can’t wait for them to try it out.
This bed was really easy to put together with the help of a 2nd adult. It is very sturdy. It was used for my daughters and they didn’t break it, so that’s wonderful. Absolutely great value for the money.
Took my husband a few hours to put this together. It’s very sturdy. Our girls love them. Much better than the cheaper metal ones we had before.
Came shipped in 2 boxes that arrived on separate days, that was strange.
It was a lot to assemble, took about 6 hours. Some of the holes for the screws were off but we rigged it. All in all it was a great purchase and the kids love it! I love how it looks and holds up great! So far so great! Shipping was fast!
I liked the way it turned out overall.
My three sons (ages: 5, 4, & 3) really enjoys the bed. It was inexpensive and wasn't too big for the room. After awhile the screws on the stairs did come out but I'm assuming it's because they were swinging and jumping from them. Overall good quality for your money. I purchased bed in March.
Its sturdy in the ways that matter. I had an issue with one wheel on the trundle, but that's about par for my expectations at this price.