We love this couch. It is comfortable, and big. The pillows are soft and help for back support. The leather is high quality and it goes so well with our house. The delivery was about 3 hours later than planned, but other than that no complaints!
Very impressed with this leather couch/chaise. The leather and stitching are both thick and of fine quality. The character of the leather is naturally distressed, giving it an authentic look and feel. There’s no question that this is real leather. It is a matte texture, not a shiny formal leather commonly found in chesterfield couches.
Very sturdy, easy to put together. Took about 10 minutes to screw on the legs once I got it inside. Though I will say the packaging makes it very unlikely to get it fully boxed through a standard sized doorway. I simply had it delivered to the garage, unboxed the two pieces one at a time and put the legs on inside.
Cushions are very comfortable. I really like that the back support cushions are fluffy and full. It has a more casual look than if both the back and seat cushions were tufted. I also like that the seat cushions, while tufted for aesthetic interest, do NOT have buttons that can get caught on clothing and rip off. Seat buttons also collect and hide “ungettable” crumbs. And no one wants to sit on that. Both seat and back cushions are removable, but not reversible.
Legs and frame are very sturdy. The perfect couch for my casual midcentury modern abode.
We've been using our new couch for about a week now and are very pleased with our purchase. It's the most expensive piece of furniture we've ever owned. Tired of hand-me-downs and cheap furniture that starts falling apart in a year or two we took chance on this one after spending some time researching online brands and sellers.
The reviews on the company along with price made us decide on Poly and Bark. There are several brands with similar/identical looking couches. The other couch we were considering was the Article Sven which was $3299 at the time . The Napa was $2699. and looks near identical. That's a big difference in price. Got a holiday deal using our Amazon Prime Visa for 18 months 0% interest and that sealed the deal.
I've read some of the reviews critical of the delivery process. We had good luck. Our couch arrived via XPO ahead of schedule and undamaged. I believe our delivery window was 12/7-12/16 and it arrived 12/11/20.
The box had some minor dings but it was well packaged and undamaged. You will need some help! The box is HUGE! We are in a rural area and a tractor trailer can't get up our driveway so we had to meet the driver in town with our pickup. This is normal for us. We've received freight deliveries before. Took all 10 minutes to assemble inspect.
We love the look and feel. We chose the semi-analine for durability and have no regrets. We were tempted by aniline for softness beauty but we have young grandchildren - nuff said