I like this product
The wheels on my bed don't have locks on them. This product keeps the bed from rolling.
These don't stop anything from sliding.
Ordered for my dog’s bed, so it would stop sliding on the floor. The square piece is bigger than the dog bed post, but I tried them on my couch legs as well and then it is too small for the couch. So, just be sure to measure before ordering. However, it fulfills the purpose of what I needed them for.
I like that it's large and square. so it's very easy to attach the casters. It gets the job done, but I notice that the grooves are relatively softer compared to my other pads.
Needed something to place under heavy furniture on LVT flooring. These are just shy of 3" inside. There are small ridges on both the top and bottom of these casters. The inside depth is about a 1/4".
These are flexible but also seem sturdy.
My furniture pads that prevent sliding have me giddy with joy! They've made my house a secure refuge by getting rid of the bothersome furniture squeaks and slides. Every stride I take now is secure, and I can move around carefree. My friends are often shocked at how stable everything feels when they visit, and we all breathe a sense of relief and laugh together. My room is now a refuge of serenity and safety because to the comfort and security these cushions have contributed to it. I'm ecstatic beyond words!
I needed some rubber furniture pads to help the grandfather clock not make noise when someone walked past it in the hall. These were the perfect ticket. They do just enough to absorb people's footsteps yet I'm very confident in the sturdiness and the base it provides the grandfather clock.
Overall, very impressed and would recommend it to anyone looking to cushion something on a hard wood floor.