Man if the metal didn’t have so many dents and scratches it would be 5 stars. I had more pics with those flaws but I figured what I posted was enough. Otherwise no complaints. My son loves it!
I bought this bed for my 14 year old. The bed is perfect. It took 4 of us 45 min to put it together. The directions were mostly ok, not super clear, but we were able to figure it out. The bed seems pretty sturdy and the shelf is very nice. I like the plug being right there. I don't know why the shipping was $50 since it came in quite a small box, but with the shipping the bed is still a reasonable price. I am pleased with this purchase.
We just put this together tonight and in record time, so easy to assemble. It looks just like the picture. Seemed to be sturdy, and an awesome value for the money. It is lower to the ground, which if I would have paid attention to the height that it listed I would gave realized that. But that’s not a big deal to me, so over all it’s a great find!
Assemble with two people! Very easy to do, got it put together in a little over an hour. It is very sturdy and heavier than expected! Great product, no squeaky sound or wobble! I love it!
I think this bed is really amazing quality especially for the price it is. Some of the instructions,however, were a bit confusing. I'm not sure why it told you to not screw in the screws for the first part when it would've been helpful to just screw them in. Anyway, this bed is very sturdy since it is made of metal; and very cute. Every piece was labeled nicely, it took me and my mom around 3 hours to assemble and we're amateurs. Best finishing touches to have an outlet and LED lights on top.
This bed frame is probably my favorite thing that I have had in my room, easy to build.
It’s very nice simple and easy
Easy to assemble, very sturdy, great item.