Bought a King size 14 inch. It's heavy in its little box. Packaged very nicely.
First off, this thing is easy to put together by yourself (I used a power drill).
But when I put my king mattress on, there was an extra like 4-5 inches for a headboard space (which we do not have). I don't remember reading anything about needing a headboard.
The amount of space under it is very good for extra storage.
Seems very sturdy and made of good quality pieces. Arrived 4 days early!
Bought these for my kids. They said they’re not too noisy pretty sturdy but best of all have great storage space
The product was a next day delivery. While putting it together we realized a few of the screws did not fit. We had no other issues with this frame.
This think came in a pretty small box and was quite easy to put together. One thing I didn't like is that there are 3 different bolts and they're all quite similar, so you can make a mistake if you don't sort them out in advance.
Also, I used an electric screwdriver; if you have to use the tiny wrenches they provide take away 3 stars as it would go from easy to very cumbersome.
Don't get the taller one; 14" is more than enough height. All in all it s pretty sturdy and it does the job with plenty of center support.
This may not be the place for it but I have to say. Amazon delivered to the wrong address. It’s usually just the wrong apartment. They are getting worse
This bed is very sturdy, durable and easy to put together. The height is perfect and I love the color. Very happy with my purchase!
Perfect height I wanted to be up in the air and that I am! Some screws don’t get all the way tight but the bed is overall Very sturdy!