This bench is awesome and definitely with the money!!
Very easy to assemble , 90% of it was already assembled. Does it’s job
This was pretty easy to set up and overall a pretty good product. When putting it together I did notice the instructions were a little confusing, but helpful. All of the little screws and pieces were kind of annoying while putting together, but not a total bust.
When sitting on it, it's a little UN-sturdy when leaning off to the sides so do be careful with heavy weights if you are unstable. The bench itself is comfortable but sometimes sliding is a problem if you do not plant your feet. The base at the bottom is a little skinny for the build but does help with storage because it is so tiny. Storage for this is very easy because it folds up super tiny and compact when fully folded. It is super easy to fold other than having to unscrew the center bolt, but is fast and reliable.
The bands are great for attaching to the bench and are very resistant and good for training. Do be careful while using the bands because the bench is so light it can flip, you can just weigh the bottom down it that does not become a problem anymore. This price is very reasonable compared to other benches. This is a very durable product and I do recommend this for someone
just starting out or for someone that has a small space.
Light weight can still hold a decent amount of weight
Happy with the bench, I am overweight and i have no issues so far, strong construction!
Very good! easy to assemble
I recently received this adjustable weight bench and I am very pleased with it. It was nearly fully assembled, just a few small things to do and it is ready to go. The frame is sturdy and the seat and back rest are nicely cushioned. It is light weight and folds in half so it is easy to store when not in use. It may take a few times of opening it up and folding it for it to become effortless but it really only takes a minute or two to open it up, put the pins in to secure the frame and then take pins out to fold it when done. Also, the price is very reasonable and affordable for a sturdy piece of home workout equipment.
I’m 5'10" 179lb and when I do situps, my butt rests right in the crack where the seat and the back meet. The seat area should be longer so as to improve comfort for those my size. Everything else about this bench is well built. The resistance straps are a nice extra though I prefer those on my exercise bike. Worth the price. A-