It was easy to build and the instructions were clear. It seems very sturdy and strong too. I would recommend that while you build it, pay attention to the directions of each screw hole because it is time consuming when something is put on backwards.
It may be smaller than you think but it’s perfect if you don’t need much stuff on your bedside and your bed is not much taller than it.
Great for bedside
Easy to assemble. We put it beside the bed and use it to charge cell phones at night. USB plug on the front give easy access.
Not bad for the price they’re not super big but big enough and it has the charging ports
Love the charging ports
Just the right size and lightweight, easy to put together.
It’s ok but need to be a little bit taller I like the fact that it has two 120 plugs and three usb ports I may order two more at a later date
A lot smaller than I expected, but they get the job done for now.
Bought these in March. Just last week, the power bar on one quit working, and I can’t find an option to contact seller, so I’m writing this review hoping they see it, and can help me find a replacement power bar!
Looks great. Easy to assemble.
Assembled one table but the second came with a damaged leg. The metal split and cannot use table. Was hoping for a replacement piece as I had already assembled the one table and didn’t want to send entire package back. No such luck.
These are great