These were a little tedious to put together but overall easy to assemble. Just took a little bit of time. So far they feel sturdy and not flimsy. Great value for the money because I can fit so many more shoes inside as opposed to when I had my singular shoe rack.
It wasn’t too hard to put together but you have to be careful and not too heavy handed. The plastic pieces are easy to break and the boxes are too small even for size 9 running shoes. There’s no way I can even fit high tops like Jordan 1’s into these boxes. It should’ve been a little higher and bigger. The plastic clips that connect the boxes together broke a few times.
This bang for your buck buy comes at 49.99 for a 15 pack of clear storage boxes are a bit time consuming, but is a great because they can be stacked by the small latches/mini feet at the bottom of the box or the plastic inserts that go on the top and bottom to keep the boxes secure for stacking.
Again these are a grest buy i wish they wouldve had 20 for the same price!
I chose these to help organize my closet and also put a couple in each guest room. These are not the heavy duty sturdy ones that I have purchased in the past however. The lid often doesn't stay closed and it took a bit to get it to sit square. I decided to use these for my lesser worn shoes and use my good ones for my main shoes and the guest rooms. I would not purchase these again however.
I thought that these were individual containers with a top lid that I could use for a variety of things but they are not. The sides are a flimsy plastic that has to be folded. They do state that they only fit up to a size 10 so if you plan to use them for bigger shoes they won't work. I wanted to be able to slide them into my existing shelves. I'm not a fan!
These are pretty sturdy shoe boxes and easy to assemble. They are a decent size and stay together once connected. However, if you want to reconfigure the set up you may break off the plastic pin connectors. Even if you are extremely careful you may still lose some. The plastic “I”connectors really help to keep the boxes stable and together but can also be difficult to get out and can tear in half.
The doors are easy to open and stay closed.
Also, you need to be careful when putting your shoes in and when taking them out of the boxes because your shoes can be scratched by the box edges (lips).
These Kuject Shoe Storage Boxes are great for more than just shoe storage.
Before buying, please understand what you're getting for the current, as of review, $49.99 asking price:
-These are thin plastic storage boxes where you need to fold the plastic into a box and add a frame so they keep their shape.
-They are not meant to store a lot of large and/or heavy items. Mine are holding light blankets, scarfs, gloves, socks, and more.
-Super simple to assemble following the included instructions or the video here on Amazon or over on YouTube.
-Easy to disassemble and flatten should you ever need to.
-These are surprisingly sturdy when stacked together. You wouldn't think this'd be the case with the materials and how thin everything is. They'll stand up to years of use and storage of shoes or other light items without sagging or breaking.
-15 boxes arrive in the space of approximately one shoebox!
-All the pictures and the video show these laying length-wise, but you could just as easily stand them up on the short end and they'd still work great.
-I wish more connectors were included so more stacking options were available.
These do what they're supposed to and do it very well, highly recommended!
These little cubes come flat packed. Assembly is fairly easy though there are a lot of them to make. I recruited a small child I had around the house to do some and they were able to follow along so that is worth a few points for how easy they are. I would not stack anything heavy on these but they are more than sturdy enough for shoes. Some boots are not going to fit. I am happy with the purchase.