I loved how sturdy and solid it is. Pretty straight forward to put together, wish it was a little more appealing… it is very industrial looking
I put this together in about 2 hours. It's pretty easy, just takes some time. It's very sturdy which was my main concern when buying it. But overall it's pretty, sturdy, and looks clean in my bedroom
Very sturdy, the most precise and simple to put together than any other furniture that i have assembled. simply EVERYTHING fit exactly and it completely metal reinforced. Definitely would suggest to purchase.
Very easy to assemble with super clear, step by step instructions.
I'm incredibly satisfied with this purchase!
Fairly easy to assemble with cordless wrench. Just follow directions and don’t get in a hurry. Good looking and very reasonable priced. I’m 250lbs and very sturdy.
It was a bit overwhelming when I opened the box. But I unwrapped all the parts and started putting it together. It went to together very easy and was frustration free!!
I’m very happy with the product. Quality control was better than expected with clean threads and no missing or damaged hardware.
I could tell by looking at the design that many folks will need a mattress support, namely heavier folks and folks that are using a thin or memory foam mattress. There are a bunch of cheap supports to remedy this issue.
I'm on dialysis and I don't have muscle strength, so even I was able to put this together. I 100 percent recommend this . I just gotta get my mattress.