This bed frame was super easy to put together and comes with everything you need! It's sturdy and took me about 1.5-2 hours just using the little alan wrench it comes with. You can get it done way faster if you have power tools with I do not
I liked that it was very easy to assemble. Even though for the assembly of the footboard, it was not clear where the viewer is standing - on the footboard side or on the headboard side, but still it was easy to manage to assemble.
Looked amazing
Our son loves his new bed frame. It’s sturdy and it’s got great height to store things underneath.
This bed was pretty simple to build, it took me about an hour. I did have one issue with something being labeled wrong but I just followed the pictures instead of the number label so it turned out fine. After assembly, it is sturdy & has quite a bit of room for storage underneath. I did notice that the mattress was a bit of a tight fit but it actually helps stop it from moving around.
Replaced my teen son's bed frame with this metal one and I love it! It seems really sturdy and was easy to put together. I love the bed frame on this one and the color. It feels like it will last for a long time and the quality seems great.
This is a very nice, inexpensive bed frame. Set up was easy. It looks good and is holding up well - so far - to kids jumping on it (but I'll definitely want to check/retighten the screws every few months). We love it. Would definitely buy again.