All we have is likes, bought this for my roommate before his birthday in August and needless to say it's sturdy, he is no longer a mattress on the floor type of guy, and the space underneath for potential storage is definitely a plus to him.
Love this simplistic bed frame. It came a little rusted, but oh well. It is sturdy, and easy to assemble.
Easy to put together no parts missing, nothing damaged son loved his new bed frame.
We got this when we needed to replace a failing bed frame. It was delivered quickly, and he was able to put it together by himself with no issues. It is sturdy and is a great value for the price.
The directions are easy to follow and straight forward, it took about two-three hours to assemble with two people who have never put furniture together. No squeaks, it did come damaged but it’s hardly noticeable.
Perfect twin size bed. Easy to assemble and seems very sturdy! Great value
Got the king-size. It's not straight. the welds can be seen and they are not inline. I had to bend the top center down a little bit just to straighten it up. I'm glad I only got this for the guest room because I have kicked the legs every time I have made the bed, and my toes have had enough of that activity. Love how much room is under the bed for storage though. Most totes go under with no issue. It's low enough that i can have it under the window without it touching the window sill.
The instructions were very helpful. Bed is sturdy .