The chairs arrived on time and neatly packaged.The price was far better than anything else I have seen. The chairs are very easy to assemble, lightweight, and look great in our dining room. The height of the chairs is nice because you can lean back comfortably. The cushions are sturdy and provide good back support while sitting.
Perfect for our patio! Great value.
I was leary after seeing 4 chairs at such a low price. I'm glad that didn't prevent me from ordering. These chairs are sturdy and they look great! My grandson had all 4 assembled in an hour. They are perfect around the antique dining table.
Bought the set of 4 for a 42 inch round table and they fit nicely. All hardware including bolts, washers, and Allen wrench were included and the chairs assembled without any issues. Padded seats are comfortable to sit on. Very pleased considering the low price of these chairs.
they stain two easley they need slip covers UPDATE!!! customer service got in touch with me and made it right
This made my day .By the way the chairs are well made for the price and the customer service is great.But do need a material thats easy to keep clean
These are a great price and did the trick. Comfortable enough and sturdy. They are simple to assemble but not easy, and it takes time to tighten those screws. I took two hours to set up they . half hour for each chair . If you don't want chairs to wabble then read directions (it says lay chair upright to make sure legs are even before tightening screws)
The chair that I bought was great. It was very sturdy for its size. The cushions were just the right size, not too poofy, but also not too thin. I also like how they handled the instructions for putting together the chairs. Instead of the hour that I usually spent making the chair, it only took ten minutes or so. This chair looked nice in any part of my house, on the porch, in the living room, so on and so on. I settled for the living room where I could sit and watch my favorite shows while relaxing on my new comfy chair.
If it affordable, it is the way to go. Product stands up to my rambunctious 2 year old. It can use some scotch guard but. If one needs a set of chairs. This is the way to go. Easy to put together, directions were easy. Comes with extra hardware so you can make an oopsie and still have chairs.. Definitely a must have chair if you are in need