This product meets all expectations. It's sturdy, fits in the space it was advertised to fit, etc. I got a little confused during assembly,but got back on track quickly.
As I was assembling it, it became clear that I was missing a small part that might affect sturdiness. I contacted customer service and they responded quickly and helpfully. Rather than sending the small part, the replaced the entire unit (without requiring me to go through the trouble of packing mine up to return it). It was one of the best customer service experiences I've had in this situation. The replacement unit arrived with everything included.
Can’t believe how much room this saved us on the counter! Every well built and study! Totally recommend this to anyone who is limited to counter space and would like to free up some room!
This dish drying rack is amazing. It's extra tall soni can hang coffee cups and large mixing spoons on the bottom rack with s hooks to let them drain without them being in my way. It has a lot of room to put plates, bowls, and even pots and pans. It also has add on pieces included for silverware, knife storage as well as cutting board storage. If you have a lot of dishes I'd suggest this dish drying rack. GreAt value
In the past, the dishes and chopsticks and some kitchen tools at home needed separate containers to organize, and the small space was not enough. Now it is good, saving space. Cleaning the dishes and chopsticks has also become faster, so there is no need to worry about draining.
The shelf is solid, easy to install and save space. It is convenient and hygienic to put the washed dishes and dishes on them. Put it in the kitchen, the kitchen becomes tidy.
Love this product!
Great big and makes room in your kitchen less mess you can have it more organized
Very easy to assemble. Good, sturdy rack and is definitely worth the price.