Just bought this set! Super cute and sturdy. It did take a little time to put together but not too bad.I live in Az so we will see how it holds up, but I’m very happy with it.
After assembly, this set looks great and is very sturdy. Assembly was fairly simple yet time consuming. Some advice on assembly:
1. Use a good allen wrench, preferable
a ratchet allen wrench. I can’t imagine putting this together with the itty bitty allen wrench that’s provided.
2. Don’t tighten any of the bolts until the entire thing is together. I’d recommend basically just getting a bite on all the bolts until they are all in. Then, go back and tighten everything. The chairs will bend to form as you tighten the bolts. If you tighten them fully before they’re all in, it will be very difficult to get the remaining bolts to catch. The instructions don’t mention this as they are very dumb.
We haven’t used this set yet as I just finished putting it together. Also, my wife left me for our landscaper Todd so I probably won’t be using it for a while until I can find someone to use it with me and who actually loves me.
Table was delivered with the glass shattered. We were told they were sending a new table and it would arrive within 8-10 business days. A few weeks later (after we struggled to put the chairs together based on the info that the table was being replaced) we got an email stating that the table was now out of stock. We could either wait for if or when it might be back in stock, get a partial refund or send back the chairs for a full refund. We originally decided to send back the chairs. Once we realized the chairs were harder to take apart than they were to put together (hours long process) we reached out to tell them we wanted a partial refund instead. Here we are 3 months later with no new table and no partial refund to buy new glass for the defective table. Also, the table is sitting in pieces in our garage and the wicker is coming unwrapped without even being used. If you buy it just hope you don't have issues because their customer service does is lacking.
I Liked almost everythingabout this set for example the value, appearance, size, and sturdiness. Although a small table seems larger. Yes it has a hole for an umbrella, another value add . Awesome value, the smoked glass top on the table makes it look more high end. The chair seat size accomdated my 6'4 husand. Assembly was pretty quick and simple if you follow the directions because they are step by step with visual aid.