Sturdy construction. Fabric is thick and repels rainwater well. Cushions are comfortable. Easy to assemble, my teenage son put it together by himself in 3 hours. Packing was great. Overall looks modern and expensive. Affordable price. Very pleased with my purchase.
The shipping was a week faster then listed we love the quality the cushions are a little stiff but OK a couple things to remember when you are installing do not tighten any bolts on any one item until all the screws are in place then tighten everything after that second thing is open the table 1st inside of the bag of bolts for the table is the tools to assemble the whole set up putting together was OK my wife and I did it in three hours our granddaughter watched us and I now owe her $30 for her cuss word piggy bank but all in all I am very impressed with the furniture I would definitely buy from this seller again
Love the color and size of this outdoor set. Material seems to be solid and durable. Cushions a bit on the hard side and make sure you measure your space and height. Color is wonderful and material is quality. I would purchase from this company again... Side Note: We got a wrong piece sent to us and we tried to make it work, but we couldn't without compromising the quality of the piece, so I contacted the company and they sent us a new piece immediately and were very responsive to our emails and texts. I would gladly order from them again as I know they are a caring company.
I spent A LOT of time researching outdoor furniture, specifically a sectional sofa for our deck. After visiting multiple outdoor furniture places, to also include Lowe's and Home Depot, I was shocked how expensive they were! When I searched on Amazon, and came across this, I couldn't believe the price, and saw so many positive reviews!
I will say the reviews really helped, which is why I chose to do one too. I would totally agree about the fact be sure to be VERY patient during assembly. Open all boxes before starting assembly and be sure to stay organized with the process. I took me several hours by myself, but I'm not super handy mom!
I first thought I was missing pieces and parts, but I wasn't. The shipping is very compact, and all items are in the 4 boxes.
The coffee table adds a great touch, and my family has thoroughly enjoyed our furniture purchase. Came faster than expected. Ordered on 8/12/2020 and was delivered 8/20/2020.
Was easy to assemble . We have been using it for awhile now and really like it since it’s very comfortable
I gave 4 stars because of the pillows . They were constantly moving around . I had to add strings to each and connect them with each set. Now it’s great since pillows don’t move anymore. So keep that in mind . Other than that great furniture for outside .
Great set for the price. The suction cups on table could be better. I feel like the glass could slide off. However, I didn’t really want the table so I don’t care to much about that. Overall pleased! Keep in mind, the set comes in 4 big boxes that are sent 1 by 1 each day. Don't bother opening to start until you have all 4. Only 1 has the hardware.
Three of the original pieces wouldn't assemble correctly but the customer service was very very fast to work with us to replace the items and make us whole on our set. Replacement sets worked correctly. Pieces were actually extremely easy to assemble and all the tools needed came with the sets. Very happy with the way it all turned out in the end.
Just like the other reviewers said - this set is amazing! I can't believe the price that I got it for. It was also delivered a week earlier than expected! I put it together myself in a few hours - my 8 yr old helped me too.
We received so many compliments already. You won't be disappointed.