It’s sturdy once it’s assembled. It came with no instructions. My only real complaint is about the draining board. It does not extend under the utensil holder so that drips on the counter. And it is not slanted so the water just sits in it until you empty it. Otherwise it’s great.
Perfect, i love everything about this dish rack the color matte black is very nice. It’s very sturdy and fits all my dishes without taking up too much counter space. Usually there are 6 plates, 6 bowls, cups and silverware. I also cleared up some counter space by removing my knife holder because it has a space to put all my knives, scissors and knife sharpener. Very happy with this purchase, thank you!
Concept is nice and it seems sturdy enough but water tray isn’t long enough to catch water from utensil holder.
Very nice and sturdy. Easy to assemble but no instructions included so i need to look at the picture and figured it out.
Perfect for small spaces or just to save room. A bit of a pain to put together, some of the bolts were stripped but we made it work. I have heavier dishes but it holds them well as long as I distribute the weight correctly.
It is a space saver with easy to assemble instructions. It is very stylish and functional. I would highly recommend it for small apartment
When I received the product, the bolts were already screwed in SUPER tightly so it took a LOT of time, energy, and effort in order to unscrew them to properly assemble the product. Couldn't they have just shipped them in a ziploc bag or individual packet and saved us the trouble of having to remove the screws before just having to screw them back in again?? Just didn't make any sense to me.
In fact, I almost gave up after trying to unscrew them using dishwashing gloves, rubber bands, and a rubber jar opener - all of which didn't work - and actually considered returning the product since I thought I wouldn't be able to get the bolts out in order to put it together. Luckily, my roommate suggested using a WRENCH to twist them. As a last-ditch effort, we tried this, and after some more twisting and struggling, finally managed to get the bolts out.
I'm giving this 2 stars because after finally assembling it after 40 MINS, it looks okay, but the bolts were definitely on way too tight and made assembling it an actual nightmare. Would not buy again because assembly was such a pain. I also found a hair in the bag upon opening it and it was packed quite haphazardly, so not sure if it was a return or just not packed very well.
I had a plastic dish drying rack that I had got from Walmart. The problem with that was it used to get dirty very easily and it was very difficult to clean it. But this one has no such problems. Moreover it is very sturdy and does not take much space on my kitchen. It is perfect for a small kitchen.