Ordered large.
85 lb German Shepherd, absolutely loves it. Comfortable/accessible shape, very soft, and doesn't get too warm. Put cooling pad on it-- just to kick up the coolness (my boy gets warm easy!), but honestly he'd be fine without it. Solid purchase.
My lab loves this bed! I’m so glad I got the large size because it fits perfectly even when he stretches out. He loves to rest his head on the built in pillow and the memory foam is very comfortable for him. My favorite part is that it has a non-slip bottom so it always stays put even on the wood floor!
I have an 8 month rhodesian ridgeback, she is about 35 pounds. She loves this bed! We have tried to find beds that she can use till she is an adult but all of them are very expensive. This $26 bed is perfect! At first when it arrived it looked a little sketchy, it was a little harder to assemble, but it turns out amazing! She loves the head rest! I totally recommend this bed! We got color 5 size large
Note: I paid thirty dollars for this item. Price has since been jacked up to thirty eight.
I bought two; one for my Doberman and one for my German Shepherd. I definitely wouldn't go any smaller, but the size should be okay as they sleep curled up. As the other reviewer said, it comes shipped in 3 pieces and assembly is easy. It has withstood about a week of light use, but construction seems okay as long as you don't have a chewer.
The company "joicyco" or something like that has sent me 5 emails following up and asking for a review. One email is fine, but 5 is annoying. Minus one star for the announce.
Our beagle approves! He plopped right down on it and fell asleep as soon as I had it assembled. There are two pieces of foam that I had to put into the cover. It was pretty simple.
He stays on this bed for most of the day now. He's 11 years old.
I got this bed for my bulldog and it is perfect!! Foam bed is comfortable and she loves the headrest!! It is a large bed and could definitely fit a large dog! The removable cover is soft and super easy to clean. The cover unzips off three sides making it super easy to take off and put back on. For a dog who hasn't always wanted to sleep on dog beds she can't get off of this one! She absolutely loves it and it is such a nice bed. Well worth your money, I love it!!
I bought this bed for a small dog. I did not know I would have to put it together myself. It's not an issue, but I feel it was overpriced for 2 foam pieces and a cover that I must assemble on my own. To make matters more annoying, the smaller piece of foam was vacuum sealed in at a sloppy and crooked angle. It is forever fixed in this position and does not straighten. It is also smaller than the area of the cover it is supposed to fit in, so it moves around. I don't know if this was intended, or if it is due to the problem with the foam being packed incorrectly.
As far as the bed, my dog doesn't like it. I've put him on it multiple times, and he just walks away. He will, however, use a traditional dog bed. My cats love it! My older one sleeps on it constantly. The item is at least getting usage.
I wouldn't say this is a bad item, but it is overpriced. And if they don't pack your foam correctly before they seal it, you are stuck with it in whatever shape the lazy person bent it into.
This comes in three pieces and you have to put it together. The inner pieces are in very thin muslin material and not sure of what it is. Feels a bit like wood shavings. It is lightweight and hopefully will last awhile. I hope it washes well too when soiled. Time will tell. UPDATE: The bed has withstood a few weeks of use. Haven't washed it yet. The downside is that I keep receiving emails to post feedback. If I continue to receive the emails, I will readjust the rating to a one. That is an annoying part of this vendor.