Took about an hour to put together. I've had it a few weeks. It's surprisingly sturdy, has several support legs in the middle. It is very tall though, with an 8 inch mattress, me at 6ft tall can just barely put my feet on the floor.
Love this bed frame. It is sturdy and not as tall as I thought which is good. Love the color and that it doesn’t need a boxspring. My husband got it together easily and mattress fits securely without slipping or movement of any kind. Great value and couldn’t be more pleased!
Easy to assemble....pretty color too. Great for the price!
steel Solid and basic and what I wanted for a guest bed. Good price and imho it looks good.This bed frame met our needs. We replaced a bulky wood frame with this metal frame. It was easy to assemble, we installed risers under the bed feet, and put sliders under the risers to make it easy to move the bed if needed.
I am a senior woman and I assembled this bed all by myself. Only negative so far is the instructions were only pictures. Just a thought but some of is can read directions. Also two of the balls that screw onto the posts were quite scratched but I put them to the wall.
Very pretty and sturdy and easy to assemble. I am extremely happy with purchase and would recommend. I especially like that I do not need a box spring.
Love the design,simple and sweet! The most satisfied with the frame is high enough off the floor so that allows to storage some box and stuffs,and no spring box needed! Great value and extremely recommend!
Great bed for the price. It was super easy to put together and the instruction were easy to read.