What a steal. For 300 bucks this set was well worth the price. The quality of the sodas are really nice. It is comfy and sturdy. The covering is smooth, so it is easy to clean and maintain. I set it up with ease, and it can be used as two separate pieces or one big piece.
It came pretty quick... Im a woman and was able to assemble it by myself. The only tool need is a Phillips screwdriver. Its a bit hard but Im sure it will break in. I loved that it was smaller and still offered storage and a pull out. I absolutely love it and it fits perfectly in my small living room. I definitely recommend.
Beware! This couch is extremely small. My husband and I opened the boxes, put it together and about freaked out at the size. It’s way too small for a normal living space so we decided to return it. Only thing is, you have to pay shipping which is the same price as the couch. We ended up selling it for half the price we paid for it. So to sum it up, only buy this if you want a miniature couch.
This sofa is not bad at all for the price. I love the fact that I can configure the chaise either right or left facing and It is the perfect size for NYC apartment living. It was very easy to assemble, I did it by myself in about 30 min. The one main drawback is that the cushions are pretty firm and not very thick making the sofa uncomfortable after about an hour of sitting.
The soft cushion is mainly the back piece not the actual seating itself. This is much firmer than expected and not what I was hoping to find for my back. For the price it was being sold for it make sense now. The seating was not as long either, measured from the back to the end of the seating cushion(with back cushions included) it was only 27inches as a whole with 19-20" for sitting. If you want a temp couch/sofa then yes I can see this working, however for two people it is tough to both be on. Alone, at 5'5" I don't touch both ends but for comfortability, for a sore back, don't purchase this couch
For a small apartment is great. Easy to put together and looks girlie. If you are looking for a higher seating this is not your best choice but it sure goes accordingly to length. I love it❤️
It looks super homely and the material is strong in person. There are Velcro stickers that are surprisingly strong to help keep cushions in place. There is padding on the bottom of the couch which keeps it in place and not make indentations on my floors. As you sit and move around in it, the sofa feels very sturdy and springy which shows it’s super comfortable and stable for multiple people. Very satisfied with my product.
What is failed to he mentioned is this is a child's size couch. It sits very low and is very small. It is easy to put together but be ready to pay shipping back to the company because they fail to mention it is NOT a normal sized couch.