This is a very sturdy bed and very happy with my purchase. The wooden slats seem they can hold some heavy weight as described in the details, the headboard material is also nice, it's been nicely stitched/sewn it doesn't seem it was cheaply made. Very simple instructions and it was build under 10 minutes
This bed frame is very sturdy, I'm a bigger guy and I feel I can move around and not have to worry if I'm going to break something. This bed is high quality all the way looks fantastic. Assembly wasn't too bad it took me about 45 minutes by myself my advice would be despite the instructions stating to don't tighten the side rails until you put the slats in or else the slats don't fit all the way in.
great bed for my almost teenage daughter. very sturdy and states it can hold up to 350 lbs which i believe. easy to put together (for me). throw a nice 9 inch memory foam on it and you'll have a nice, comfy bed.