This is pretty AND functional. The set is very sturdy; however, the loveseat back bar broke with setup, but it made it more comfortable to lean against. It was a bit tedious to put together-give yourself at least an hour. Definitely recommend AND would buy again!
Just needs to be a little bit larger in the seat area. Too snug.
Great buy for the price. I’ve had it for 3 months now and so far so good. Fairly simple to assemble.
This product came quickly, but is very poor quality. I guess for the price you can expect that, but the love seat is unusable because the one piece is either warped or just too long. I have contacted the company for a new piece to be sent, so we will see if it comes. The table is really misshapen. Assembly took forever. Would be an ok set for the price if it actually was able to be assembled. My boyfriend and I tried everything to get the couch together and there was just no way. Spend the extra money and get an assembled set from a hardware store.
So happy with this set up. Homall has excellent customer service and was able to connect with me during an extended wait period because of COVID. Thanks to them, I was in the loop regarding the shipping of my package. Once it finally shipped, the packaged was at my doorstep in two days. The set fits perfectly on my back porch and for the price, it’s exceptional quality.
This is the worst product I've bought ,all the holes are not in aliment ..s0 frustrating to work with this we still haven't been able to assemble we read carethe instructions so its not as if we can't read , for us to put together we must drill holes 'so dissatisfied customers
The metal parts were bent out of shape when it arrived, as in when we tried to assemble it, many screws did not align with the holes. This meant forcibly bending the metal to make it fit. Two screws lost their threading trying to put it together, and the furniture gives off a flimsy impression upon being assembled.
I love this set for the price it was very easy to put together it looks exquisite on my patio. Although the cushion is a bit then it's pretty. It is waterproof. I like it.