This set was a really good value. Easy to assemble, I am an older woman and it took me about an hour to assemble. This is a very pretty and sturdy set. My husband is a big man and it supports him with comfort. Shipping was very fast. The cushions are a really nice color and also comfy. The seller had the best price on Amazon or anywhere else
I love it. Thank you
For the price this is fantastic.
Pros :
-Price. : You really cant go wrong with this for the price, definitely exceeded my expectations when you take into consideration its not even 200$. Similar items on amazon cost atleast 2x this amount and im not paying 400+ dollars for an outdoor patio sectional.
-Shipping. : Not only did it arrive OVER A MONTH AND A HALF earlier then the estimated delivery date (Literally was confused what this giant package could be it was so early) & Everything was packed nicely
-Assembly : Everything Is labeled to match the instructions, if you even need to use them.. everything uses 1 type of screw so theres no confusion on that end, all the tools needed to assemble are included, it took me maybe 30 minutes?
-Quality. : For what i paid im more then happy with the quality, the wicker weave material looks and feels high quality, the back pillows feel high quality, the seat cusions themselves are good enough for 200$
-Comfort. : All In all its a pretty comfortable, affordable outdoor patio sectional
The Seat cushions. : do not provide that much cushion, I would recommend picking up some more comfortable ones if you plan on sitting in it on a pretty regular basis, but if by noi means is it uncomfortable.
Size. : HIGHLY recommend you measure it out using masking tape or something to make sure you're okay with the size before purchasing. I live in an apartment and this was for my balcony so the size was perfect for me. This couch is rather low to the ground. and the back rest only goes like 40% up your back (im 5'11 155lbs ) but it is perfect for smaller spaces and can still comfortably sit 3 similar sized individuals no problem.
Surprisingly nice set considering the price. All pieces arrived in great shape including hardware and cushions. Assembly took less than two hours and all the screw holes were drilled properly. As a bonus, it was delivered in 5 days even though original estimate was over a month! Overall better than expected in every way.
For the price, this delightful couch can't be beat! The two pieces don't connect and the back of the couch only reaches to the mid-back but it's about half the price of similar models and super cute. The assembly was pretty quick as well.
It is VERY IMPORTANT & HIGHLY Recommended that you pull out a Measuring Tape and see what the Heights/Lengths look like in reality. This thing is barely 2 feet off the ground. Sturdy it isn't. I weigh 180 lbs and I sat down and the seating area Sank in. I'm so disappointed. If the Price looks to Good to be True...move on
Easy to put together. It took about an hour to put all three pieces together by myself. It comes with all the screws and tools/wrench so I didn't need to use any of my own tools.
It is perfect for us, being small people, but I wouldn't recommend it for bigger/taller people. For reference, the photo is of my 5 year old. I am 5' and sitting in the chaise, my feet almost reach the end of it. My SO is 5'6" and his feet hang off the end of the chaise.
It's perfect for us because it fits well on our deck size-wise. It's also a good size for us because we're small people. Worth it for the price.
I received it within 2 weeks of ordering even though the estimated delivery date was about 6-8 weeks out.
So, this arrived within 5 days of placing the order. It is very easy to assemble. It is a little small, BUT I can lay across the couch part and lay comfortably - the back pillows are what I laid my head on. I wish the back of the seats were higher, but I flipped the back pillow longways and that seemed to help with comfort.
Did not expect much for the price, but for what i wanted to do to just look cute on my patio it works, plus I am short so it works for me for now.