Great product! All chairs is very sturdy however instructions wasn't great. We do enjoy the quality. Very well made. I would recommend they replace assembly instructions this could be very frustrating for some customers. Thankfully my boyfriend is great hands on and was able to get the furniture together but he definitely was annoyed with the instructions.
A great patio set! As others have stated, the instructions were a little confusing for me to put together so my husband took over and had no problem assembling it. It comes in 3 boxes and had all the parts.
It’s perfect!
The parts bags were short 22 washers in the chair assembly bag and short two bolts in the table assembly bag making the already difficult assembly impossible.
This set is a great buy! I was able to put it together with the help of my 11 yr old daughter, we did it in about 2 hours. The manufacturer must have fixed the missing parts problem from the other reviews because I had more than enough parts to complete the assembly and even some spares. It comes with everything you need to assemble, even the tools. The instructions aren’t great, but once you put together one chair - the rest are easy. If I can do this, trust me - you can figure it out. I’m very pleased and would certainly recommend this set for smaller spaces. It doesn’t look cheap and I like that you can remove the cushion covers and wash them.
This is such a great set. Only complaint is I wish the cushions were a little thicker. But I am happy with my purchase.
Overall, great deal for the price. I was very satisfied after assembly. The only draw backs, is that the assembly instructions are about as handy as a shirt pocket that you can't use and i do recommend having some washers about the size of a nickel around for the assembly. The washers that come with the kit are a bit small but work. I do recommend this product.
I got this set to go under our 10x10 gazebo. After reading other reviews I was a little concerned that the chairs would be too small but they are the perfect size! Fairly easy to assemble. It came in 3 different boxes and it was a little confusing because the pieces weren’t labeled but I was able to figure it out. It’s definitely sturdy and seems like it will hold up for many years.