Very sturdy and was super easy to assemble. The instructions were very clear. I definitely recommend extra hands to help out when assembling, especially if you’re short like me - but it’s not impossible to do it yourself.
There is nothing good I can say about this product outside of the fact that it is a bed and that, surprisingly, I actually had all the parts.
1. The instructions are beyond unhelpful, it seems like the person tasked with creating them decided they deserved a holiday. I was literally better off guessing which part I needed than following them. They made directions from IKEA seem like dissertations.
2. There was quite a bit of cosmetic damage to the powder coated paint, and even a couple places where parts were bent.
3. the manufacturing was incomplete and poorly done at almost every turn. For example, the item description says you can put the ladder on either side of the bed ... you cannot. I was forced to drill my own holes to put the ladder on the side that I needed it on, which I should not have had to do. On top of that, the tools needed to do this well are not exactly "common" tools that everyone has access to, so I imagine not everyone would be able to use the solution I did.
4. The item description says that it is for 3 twin mattresses but it is not. it is for two twin mattresses and an XL twin mattress. Because of this there is now a large (about 1.5ft) hole that my children can fall through, and I am going to have to pay even more money to find a solution for this.
5. There was more than an appropriate amount of oil film on the product which I can only assume is going to get all over my children's sheets unless I wipe it down.
I contacted Amazon, not the seller, to complain and ask for a partial refund, which they kindly did in light of everything. But this seller seems to me to be one of those sellers that sells cheap, unfinished, products until they get enough bad reviews, then they just sell the same product under a different name, and just keep doing that forever.
I cannot express how annoying this was and how much you should select a different product with decent reviews. One should not have to spend a mortgage payment to receive an acceptable product.
I purchased this bunk bed set for my boys and it was very easy to put together. The instructions were very well written and easy to comprehend, the metal is very sturdy. Would definitely recommend this bunk bed to other parents.
Terrible instructions and literally nothing is rebuilt. Bed is nice once you get it built but instructions are horrible
The instructions on this were the worst I have ever encountered in my life. Very small print and it’s as if they were trying to put everything on one single piece of paper. Overall time to assemble was around 6 hours.
The top bed is pictured with what looks like a shelf with a clock. There was nothing like this on my bed and instead there’s nothing, causing a huge safety concern.
It says the ladder can be used on either side of the bed but there are only holes on one side. (We thought early on we’d just flop the two pieces so it could have holes in the bottom on the side we wanted. This made it to short for the ends to be put together so we had to swap them back halfway through the process)
The one I purchased is listed as 1-black-e
Easy to assemble and instructions are easy to follow and all parts are accounted for this bunk bed is perfect for my kids -----
they loved it