Very sturdy and easy to put together. It is definitely low to the ground, but that is was I wanted so my toddler could get up on the bed. The box was a hot mess when the dropped it off, but the bed was safe inside thanks to the packaging. Love the little socket Allen wrench, it made it SO much easier to put together. Would recommend!
Just came today damaged with a crack and a puncture.. this was not a cheap frame yet it was not well packaged
I love this bed frame! It is very sturdy and well built! Easy to assemble by myself! Although I had an issue with one piece of the bed having a cracked edge, they were able to resolve the issues for me immediately! I want a bed with an industrial vibe and this was perfect!
Assembly was a breeze. My husband and I put this bed together in about an hour. The bed is sturdy and looks great. The shipping box was a little beat up, but the bed was in perfect condition with all the parts included. So far it seems solid. It is lower to the ground than what I’m used to, but that’s what I wanted. It looks clean and modern, with a little rustic industrial mixed in. This is the second Zinus bed I’ve bought, and their instructions and ease of assembly are the best!
I don’t usually take the time to write reviews but this product is worth a mention. The wood is nice quality. The assembly instructions were clear and the whole process relatively quick and easy. They provide the tools you’ll need and even include spare parts. The product, packaging, and overall experience was much higher end than I’d expected. The family member we bought this for couldn’t be happier and voted 5 stars.
Sent 2 identical side rails.... meaning I had to modify it to make it work. Thankfully I had the tools to do so. Returning it would have been a hassle.
Mine was damage