The bed is very sturdy and was easy for us to assemble though it did take both of us for some parts. The only thing we don’t like is how the drawers lock in. You have to align them perfectly with the whole and then lift and push in. It sounds simple but it would be so much nicer if we could just slide them in an walk away with them staying in place. We sometimes don’t lock them in for convenience but it’s honestly not the big of a deal, just slightly annoying when you’re in a hurry or already frustrated. Great quality for the money.
I read the reviews about the quality being great, but it took hours to build and the instructions were difficult to understand. I put it together by myself after working a 16 hour shift. It took about an hour and a half, which included a quick trip for beverages. I think the quality for the price was amazing! It looks great and is quite sturdy. I bought a new Serta mattress to put on the bed. I think the headboard height is perfect!
Easy to put together, currently not using a box spring and the mattress does tend to shift which is annoying when trying to access drawers. Lower to floor than I had expected but they do provide measurements so I guess if that was important I should have checked it. I think the most frustrating thing is that the picture does appear to be FABRIC but the product itself is a matte faux suede and that's not what I wanted.
This bed was not expensive, but does not look cheap in my personal opinion AND seems very sturdy. The 4 drawers work very well, and provide great additional storage. It was easy to put together, the instructions were easy to follow, just time consuming, but not overly so. It probably took me 1.5-2 hours to assemble by myself. Overall I am pleased with this purchase.....the only complaint I have is delivery...I never received an email stating the bed had been delivered, and instead of setting it on my covered porch, which is only one step up, they left it beside the porch where it got rained on, but thankfully not drenched. Also, the box clearly stated FRAGILE, handle with care.....well the whole bottom end of the box was tore partially open and mashed, therefore producing a nick in the fabric of the headboard on the corner...however this reflects badly on the delivery and delivery person, not the actual product itself.....that....I am satisfied with :)
It was easy to put together. It only took me about two hours. It looks good. The drawers roll out easily. They have a lot of room in them.
Just assembled , took me 2 hours. Instructions were good. Under bed storage is okay, looks very good but could be bigger
Some of the holes for the draws weren’t open enough. Over all assembly can take some time but it’s a nice fit.
So it was very easy to assemble until I got to the basket drawers, some of them did not line up so I had to use brute force to snap them into place. If you are going to buy this I would recommend also making sure you have the right size alan wrench bit for your drill, using the angled one it comes with was annoying.
Comes with plenty of extra stuff in case you break or lose a screw or connection.