The net was super easy to install and overall is sturdy. The star lights add the perfect touch. The light are either battery operated or can be plugged in. Can fit a lot
My toddler has a stuffed animal obsession that was getting out of hand as we didn’t have good shortage for them! This hammock was the perfect purchase. The installation was quick and easy and it fits SO many stuffed animals on it. Very sturdy. Came with really cute lights which I love to put on for her so she can say “hi friends”! She loves having all her friends in her room now! If you have a stuffed animal loving kid you need this
Was very easy to install! Love the plug in lights and usually keep them plugged and on for hours if not days at a time - they do not get hot and give the best ambient lighting. Clearly, can fit a fair amount of stuffed animals and squishmallows with ease! Perfect purchase and easily my fav corner of my room with these vibes now!
I bought this with the intention to get all of my daughters stuffed animals off her bed. I was originally going to hang it up high in a corner and my husband fought me on it because my daughter wouldn’t be able to reach them. We decided to put them under her bunk bed in her “secret fairy garden” space. It fit quite a bit (not all) and got them up off the ground so the dog couldn’t get them. Overall I’m happy with it and it was very inexpensive. We got the x-large size. My daughter also loves the little star lights! 4 stars because their were no directions and I wasn’t sure how far to space everything so we kind of winged it.
I’ve had cheap my long nets like this that fell apart. This is heavy duty quality. It’s large and the mounting hardware is straight forward. It looks great.
Looks and works great! A wonderful addition to my room. Gives off a soft, warm light that creates a comforting ambience. It makes me happy to look at it!
Some things to know before buying:
- The lights don't come pre-strung. You have to do it yourself. This can take a while, as the star shapes get caught on the ropes often. Requires serious patience!
- The lights are battery powered. No outlets necessary! This is preferable, though the battery pack is a bit heavy and just a tad difficult to hide.
- Would recommend the XL version (shown in photo). It is just the right size in my opinion. I wouldn't go smaller unless you only have a few plushies.
- Collectively, the hammock is heavy when loaded with stuffed animals. Be aware of this if using command hooks, rather than the hooks provided!
Love this product. Pretty easy to hang by yourself. The lights are not too difficult to string through the netting. It has a soft glow. My son uses the light at night and has no isses sleeping. Sizing is excellent!
Absolutely does the job, and looks great. Holds a lot of stuffed animals! Great purchase for me, well worth it and I may buy another.
Super cute
Received this hammock yesterday and installed it above my daughter’s bed. It’s perfect for getting all her stuffies off the floor/bed. It can hold a lot more than what’s pictured. Only thing is that one of the lights was missing a star. Other than that it’s great and easy to install!
The hammock looks nice and holds a lot of stuffed animals. It comes with the lights you see in the photo but you’ll need your own hardware to hang it up with. One of the stars was busted upon arriving, the plastic isn’t very sturdy. It took almost 3 weeks after ordering it for it to arrive at my house.