My daughter loves this toy very much. It is very interesting. The toys set can give a real experience. Nearly 40 pieces kitchen playsets including vegetables, fruits and so on. Very interesting.
We purchased this item for our 28 month old granddaughter. The suggested age range on the box is 3 and up. There is a warning about small parts but there are very few pieces that are of concern for us and we just don’t let her play with them for now. The pot, pan and pressure cooker are well made and should have good longevity. The tea kettle is great, wish they included two tea cups. The kitchen utensils are very cute and look just like the one’s Gramma has. Our granddaughter loves to help us cook so having her own set of cooking gear has given her a great outlet for her make believe creative cooking. She loves the fruits and vegetables that are held together by a clever Velcro system. She likes to “cut” the banana and “hotdog in a bun” in two with the play plastic knife. The other fruits and vegetables are a little more difficult for her to “cut” apart at this stage. She has to learn to hold only one side…she will learn how to do that in time. She quickly learned how to piece together the appropriate halves of the food.
The only negative comment I have is regarding the condiment bottles. Each item is 2-1/2” to 3” tall and made of molded plastic. They are very light, have relatively small and uneven bases so they don’t stand up well or are easily tipped over. I found that gently sanding some of the uneven edges on the bases improved the stability of the items. Larger condiment containers with a wider base would be a suggestion for future improvements. That being said our granddaughter is having lots of fun with this play set and spends lots of time making pretend meals for us and her stuffed animal friends!
My LO has a play kitchen but the original cooking set wasn’t detailed enough. So after some research, we went with this set because it is multi functional. Order arrived within 2 days. Shipping is superb as always. Upon opening, we noticed that different items were packed separately. We only opened the cooking set for now. The other small parts are still quite small for my LO so we will save them for later. I personally really like the pressure cooker and tea pot. Both are very detailed and this set overall so of good quality. I would recommend this as an additional to any set that came originally with the play kitchen.
What a wonderful kitchen set it really compliments my sons bbq grill. He pretended to cook us dinner and it was so much fun it kept him busy for hours. He watches us cook in the kitchen all the time so he’s always trying to imitate us. Overall great hands on toy that is much better for the kids to stimulate there brains than tv and iPads. We try to avoid those things as much as possible. The set is a great introduction to getting them into the kitchen in the future to cook together. Building family time is very important and interactive toys that can bring us together is always high in priority vs iPad apps.
My granddaughter loves this set. It is not flimsy and takes a good drop on hardwood floor. There is a decent variety of kitchenware so she cooks up a plastic meal with ease.
Baby’s new favorite. He wakes up 7 today and head directly to his mini kitchen to play this art. He said he is going to cook me noodles for breakfast. Lol. Cute toy. Made of abs,the same material they used for LEGO. And coves a wide variety of all kitchen tools and foods. Good for baby recognition. He now know how to say eggplant, lemon, etc.
Great set for our toy kitchen. It has everything the kids need for cooking time. The plastic is thick and the pots have different varieties, even the kettle and and pressure cook! My 2 years old baby just can’t stop playing with them!
Update: I contacted the customer services and they responded very quickly. Also they placed a replacement order for me immediately.Great customer service! 4 stars !
My 20-month-old son loves the set! The quality and size of the cooking pots, kettle, vegetables and fruit are great. However, the two plates and knife/folk are too small to hold or cut food. Another big problem is that the plastic bottles and cans are easy to break or crush by a toddler. 3 stars.