I don’t usually leave reviews, good or bad, but with this purchase I had to. I have never seen a product better packaged and it far exceeded my expectations. Definitely would purchase again if the need ever arises. Took my husband and son less than a half hour to unpack, put it together and get rid of all packaging.
I like the size of the bed frame not to big or not small and doesn’t take that much space in my room which is exactly what I wanted. Also remember that this is Amazon so the pieces aren’t that sturdy and if you want something that you would never have to worry about breaking or jumping too hard don’t buy this
We bought this bed for our teenager's (14) room. It must have been pretty easy to assemble because he and his friend did it. The slats, as mentioned in other reviews, do seem very slim and flimsy but the overall feel of the bed seems really pretty sturdy. He seems to like it, and the headboard is nice with nice linen fabric. My problem with this bed is that it is barely a foot off the floor so it's not easy to make (put clean sheets on etc) and also, as I found out today, the usual size of comforter and duvet cover is way too big and almost comes down to the floor so it doesn't look good when made. I want to return it but feel the hassle of disassembling it would be too much of a pain...so I feel like I am stuck.
Easy set-up! It took about 20 minutes with two people, and I had never put together a bed frame prior to this experience. Product looks like the image. I highly recommend this queen bed frame!
So far so good, easy to assemble. However, the chemical formaldehyde smell is too strong, we had to air it out for three days. And the height is slightly lower than our previous bed frame.
Bed looks great! I have put together plenty of these types of beds and this one was by far the easiest one to put together...
It was pretty easy to build considering it was my first time ever building a bed!
The set up in this was super slick and easy! The frame is surprisingly sturdy. Definitely recommend!