This bench is the perfect size for my small porch. The seats are roomy, and comfortable. The armrests are on the thicker side, so they are very comfortable.
I thought I could assemble this bench by myself, but I did need another person’s help. It’s definitely a two people job, and it took us under 45 minutes. It does come with assembly instructions, and they are easy to follow. The paper also said to cover the bench when there’s high humidity or when it rains. Definitely love and well worth the money. I love the double shelves in the middle.
Outdoor furniture.Delivery was super fast quick. Very impressed. Thank you very much. It took me three hours to build this product. I loved every minute of it. Very sturdy well-made everyone loves it. All items inside box we are labeled so there was no confusion. Very impressed with that will definitely purchase from this seller again
Delivery was fast. Easy to assemble. Waterproof cushions worked amazing on day two we had dangerous flash flooding. Holding up great.
Love how it turned out! Extremely sturdy. The back piece was a little difficult to do but only because the plastic material was covering the holes. I just used a knife to push it back.
Easy to assemble, sturdy, and looks great. Totally happy with our purchase. Definitely a great value for the money.
Easy build. Nice sit. Need Velcro so seat cushions don't blow in the wind
Much sturdier than I expected...also very comfortable. Wish the cushions were available in more colors or prints....but a good value.