My daughter is absolutely in love with her bunk beds. They came in good condition. I will advise that although not difficult to put together, it is time consuming. Make sure you reserve the day. Also pay attention to the weight limits for each of the levels! All in all great purchase, only problem is now my daughter doesn't want to come out of her room
With two adults, assembly took about 5 hrs. and was not overly complicated. I was a bit nervous about whether they would be sturdy and the quality but so far, I am completely satisfied. The structure is very sturdy. My kids love it too! Shipping was also very quick!
Bed was easy to put together, just took a while. The kiddo absolutely loves it.
Great piece of furniture. Love that it's ALL wood, not a piece of particle board or plywood in sight. Easy assembly as well. Customer service was amazing. Thanks
We love this floor chair.Fits perfectly where I needed something small and comfortable for long naps.Doesn’t take up much space and is comfy.Great price.good quality!
Great condition and easy to put together. Beautiful bed. Plenty of storage. Easy to assemble. My kiddo is so happy.