First, it's a very nice looking bed. And the quality of the metal frame is very sturdy. Package arrived with everything needed to put it together, don't need any other tools. I definitely would suggest this frame to anyone looking for a frame!
So the instructions are not written its just pictures which is a pain. You have to read the whole thing to understand. I spent 30 minutes putting together then taking it apart bc I didn't know that the screws were numbered on the front page.. Also only SOME parts had a letter sticker on it so that was highly annoying to figure out what piece was which.
This was perfect for our son’s room. I love that it has a farmhouse feel but still looks masculine. There was some damage done to the package, although I would say it was due to the rough handling by Fedex. I heard them slam it on my doorstep. Luckily it was on the back of the headboard where it won’t be noticed. It was fairly simple to put together. I will say it does say plainly say on the instructions not to tighten everything until you get the bed put together. I learned this the hard way! There are some pieces that require a little give so save yourself some time and do not tighten until everything is in place. Would highly recommend! Love it!!!
We’ve had this bed frame for a few weeks now and we absolutely love it. There were some dents in the headboard that we debated on calling customer service for but decided it wasn’t worth the hassle because it was more than likely due to shipping. Easy to assemble, really really sturdy, overall great for the money.
I purchased the queen size bed and I love it so much! I'm a female and I put this bed together by myself it was super easy and everything went smooth sailing putting it together. You really don't even need to look at the directions to put it together. I didn't run into any problems at all about parts being too short or not long enough. This bed is very sturdy and really strong. It doesn't make any noise at all when moving around in this bed.
Needed a fast set up bed for spare bedroom easy to set up. Less than an hour to put bed frame up. Easy to follow directions. Simple frame is so stylish and very sturdy. 100% recommend
Product parts aren’t labeled as they should be to put together. & some screws aren’t fiting as they should . & directions could be a little more clearer and understandable . Good Bedframe but have to use it with 1 or 2 screws missing .
Easy to assemble.