This timer has a stand, which I wanted. It has a magnetic strip, which I also wanted. It has a large display, another want. And then it has a loud alarm! It had everything I wanted, and I got two of them for a great price! The battery was included, and it was wrapped so that it didn't go dead before I could use it. It also uses a standard size battery so when it's ready for a new one, I won't have to go to a specialty battery store to replace it. Great purchase and I would buy again.
Units seem to work well, magnet on back keeps them on our fridge, prop-up component is cute. Comes with AAA battery in shrink-wrap that you can use right away by unwrapping it and putting it back in. Have not had units long enough to report about battery life, or about operation as the battery begins to get low (we have a different timer that gets very glitchy on a low battery though lol)
Units were much louder than we required, so I had the bright idea to put a piece of scotch tape over their speaker grilles and one piece of tape was just right to bring the volume down to precisely what we needed. I guess if you're getting an inexpensive enough unit to lack it's own volume control, then "very loud" with an easy physical hack to make quieter is probably the next best thing? ;)
Overall, I like this because it was inexpensive and it does work exactly as claimed. Its easy to use once you get the batteries in. I didn't score batteries high on this review because, well, they are replaceable batteries. They work just like any other battery works. My greatest disappointment in this is that there is no off button. As long as the batteries are in, it is essentially on. If I used it more often, perhaps it would not be a big deal, but I don't use it all that often. I find that I have enough OCD that I take out the batteries and have to locate them again and reinsert them because I can't turn it off. For many, that's probably laughable. You won't be disappointed in how it works, so if you need it, buy it. You'll be happy.
I liked that you an put it on 30 seconds, and when you push start, go through the time and push stop, the 30 seconds remains there for your continued use. I am using it for 30 second exercises for physical therapy, and this feature makes going on to the next exercise or repeating an exercise very simple and fast.
One of the timers did not work properly. It would not reset to zero. I found this out by opening the package and testing the timers.
But I cannot return the product for free because that only works with unopened and unused products. And because I opened the package and determined that the product was not fully functional, I cannot return it for free... even though the product does not work. To get a refund I would have to return the MALFUNCTIONING ANTONKI timer at MY cost.
This is an unreasonable and unrealistic practice. How can someone know if the product works unless it is tested? And frequently, that means opening the product in order to test it. Therefore, I opened the package to test the product I just purchased, only to discover that half of the product does not work.
Only half of what I paid for is functioning, but for how long? I have 1 working timer, and 2 cheap batteries that will last who knows how long. <SHRUG>
I cannot comment on ease of use, readability or accuracy because only one of 2 timers worked. Therefore, only 1 star.
Got this two-pack to use for time-outs and motivating my kids during tasks. I keep one on the frig (they both have magnet on back) and another in the living room, using the small kickstand that pops out. Handy, and easy to reset. Remembers the last time you set, so that is a nice feature if you are often setting a timer for same amount of time. Loud beeping last for a good long while (I could do with less, but you definitely won't miss it!), then turns off automatically. Pretty good value, and just what I was looking for.
Design flaw - if you put magnet on a digital timer, normal use scenario should cover putting this timer on a metal surface. Magnet on the back is waaaaay to weak to support the weight of the timer.
I realize the manufacturer claims they skipped adding an on/off switch because the battery life is like 1.5 years, but it still bothers me to see the active 0:00 hanging on my refrigerator when the timer is not in use. I wish it had an on/off switch, but it's effective otherwise at what I want it to do, and the fact that there are 2 of them is nice. I just only keep a battery in one.