Allewie 14 Inch Queen Size Metal Platform Bed Frame with Victorian Vintage Headboard and Footboard/Under Bed Storage/No Box Spring Needed/Easy Assembly/Noise-Free/Mattress Foundation/Black

Allewie 14 Inch Queen Size Metal Platform Bed Frame with Victorian Vintage Headboard and Footboard/Under Bed Storage/No Box Spring Needed/Easy Assembly/Noise-Free/Mattress Foundation/Black

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The bed was easy to assemble it just takes time. Took me roughly an hour but I was by myself and I take my time. The frame is very sturdy and well constructed. All parts were there and they send you a few extra screws and the plastic locks that are used to keep the slats in place. When you put those locks in I had to get the handle of a screwdriver to help push them in all the way. The locks go up and down not sideways just an fyi. My queen mattress fit perfectly on the frame. I find the bed comfortable have not noticed any noise issues. There is also room under the bed for storage. Overall this is a great frame, a great value for the price, and it looks pretty in my room. This is definitely a keeper.

Got this for guest room and all who have slept on it say it’s sturdy and silent. Looks great, definitely better quality than price would imply!

I love this bed frame. It is very sturdy, does not squeak when you sit on it. It’s a high quality bed frame. Good frame for the price. Very well worth your money. It definitely does not look cheap or feels cheap. It was not hard to put together. I would highly recommend. When I get ready for the other bedroom, I will be ordering this one again

Overall super pleased with this purchase. Pretty easy to put together, all the prices were there, looks just like the picture. Only negative was some scuffs and black paint came off on some of the pieces but I was able to face most of those towards the wall.

Love this bed. Am considering not using my existing box springs as the height of the bed/mattress is at my waist due to height of legs. Using as a guest bed and don't want guest to have to "leap" onto the bed to get in! Easily put together by my son, took about 1.5 hours and he did it alone. Very nice looking, very solid, no slipping (its on carpet). Definitely would buy again. Gives room a nice clean & fresh look. Heavy not flimsy construction. Came in 1 box and I was dubious that the queen frame and head/foot boards would all be there but no parts missing. Additional thoughts: 1) stickers indicating parts (ie: A B C etc) were very difficult to "unstick" don't want to scratch the paint so will try heating them with hair dryer to get them off. 2) A normal height side table makes it difficult to use because leg height and box springs makes bed to tall, be sure and measure using chart before purchasing a side table or possibly don't use a box spring. All in all very happy with this purchase and these few issues did not lower my rating.

Ordered a Queen and was so happy with the purchase. I honestly wasn't expecting a bed frame this well made for the price. Delivery was as promised and arrived on time. The packaging was perfect and there were no flaws on any pieces. Directions were very easy to follow. Took two of us about an hour to assemble. This bed is so sturdy and doesn't move at all. I purchased a Lynnberry matress which was also perfect. Assembled the entire bed for $350.00. I bought this for our guest room so it won't get much use but planning on purchasing another from this seller for our primary room.

I purchased this bed for my dad as an upgrade to the one he currently had. The bed was easy to assemble took a little over a few hours, but that could’ve just been operational errors. lol A skilled person may can get it together faster. The bed is super sturdy and supportive. The full frame fits standard and oversized full mattresses. Great design and feel of the bed. Great purchase this far!

Was a little scared ordering something like this online but so glad I did. It was easy to put together, looks great and holds my bed lol. It's been used pretty hard with grandkids jumping on it, dogs all over it, multiple people on it at the same time to grab the jumping kids.... Through it all there's been no issues, no bending, no scratches nothing. So very sturdy to say the least.


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