I wanted some end tables to put items on but my living room is pretty small, luckily I found these. They're the perfect size for my space and they look great. Very easy to assemble and the quality is good. The adjustable feet are handy too so they don't wobble.
Easy to put together. Arrived withOUT damage. Loved the wood color. Correct height for my sectional. Recommended to a friend. Priced appropriately in comparison to similar items. They are light weight but fairly sturdy.
These were dead simple to assemble, and the construction seems perfectly adequate for the intended use. The powder coated steel looks nice, but the faux wood top is a little on the cheesy side, IMO.
They work well for us, and we're glad that we purchased them. Fairly priced, too.
I was pleasantly surprised when I opened the box and there were two end tables instead of just one. They fit perfectly between my recliners and take up very little space. Easy to put together and sturdy. I am very happy with my purchase.
These are exactly as advertised and so cute!! The only complaint I have is that they aren’t as stable because they are so skinny. That just comes with the shape, and I would be hesitant to use them on a carpet that’s too fluffy or in a home with busy/uncoordinated kids or pets. That being said, we are using them on a carpeted floor next to our bed and they’re perfect for us.
I was wanting the golden brown in the product images, but it is a driftwood color. Otherwise, the product is good. Easy to put together, but the metal parts can be dented and marked if they twist together (be sure to hold the metal pieces still and only turn the screw). Sturdy enough for a drink and a book as in the product images, and I'm sure it could hold a dinner plate (but I wouldn't cut tough food on it). Balanced and strong enough to be dragged around as needed, but I wouldn't rest my elbows on it or place anything heavy on it. I do wish it was just a little bit larger, but for the price it will work just fine for me.
They are not big like a TV tray…but the perfect size for a plate, remote, cup. Fits perfectly doesn’t take up a lot of space.
So easy to put together. Pretty sturdy for size and shape. Can’t believe the inexpensive cost. We love these.