Full Size Bed Frame with Headboard, Metal Bed Frame with Charging Station and LED Lights, Heavy Duty Bed with Storage Shelves,Noise Free(Black)

Full Size Bed Frame with Headboard, Metal Bed Frame with Charging Station and LED Lights, Heavy Duty Bed with Storage Shelves,Noise Free(Black)

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This bed was purchased for my 15 year old son and he loves it. It did take a few hours to assemble but all in all it came together pretty easily. The metal is sturdy, and it looks great in his room. The lights and the outlet are a nice touch

Just what my grandson wanted! Easy to put together and seemingly very sturdy.

Overall, very possible to build solo, but definitely 100x easier with a second pair of hands. Under-bed storage space big enough to fit shoes or small bags and suitcases. Not too heavy to move solo, and does not seem to slide easily. Feels decently sturdy, but I feel like, depending on how much movement you do on it (i.e. a tosser and turner), the screws might be undone since it did not come with any nuts, and may cause noise.

This bed frame was so so easy to assemble and is very sturdy. Looks great and the lights are an amazing addition!! Great value for the money!

Overall the product was good. It came out being a solid frame, with good support. The assembly was troublesome as pieces were warped/bent, which made bolting impossible in some areas. The shelf with the power supply is misaligned with the frame it sits on, so only the back side could be secured. Three of the bolt holes were angled as well, which lead to bolts stripping out in the base portion.

First of my son loves it. Very light to move and easy to put together, but look at the pictures carefully because you could put the pieces upside down or backwards.
Second the reason I had to get this is because the wood bed I got my son broke after me standing on it (average weight) but this one I was able to stand on it. (To put up curtains/pictures/fan)

Was easy to put together but had problems due to the fabrication of the pieces. The board that holds the usb didn’t line up with the screw holes underneath and one of the tabs that holds it was bent and not aligned properly so the board doesn’t sit down all the way. The outlet screws aren’t aligned with the pre drilled holes so they sit at an angle and don’t sit flat. Also advertised that it rails to keep the mattress from moving and that was a lie.

This bed is terrific! My preteen loves it!!! Best buy!

Amazing quality. Came with all pieces and easy to assemble. When putting together do not tighten the screws until everything has been assembled. I learned the hard way as there is no play when all together.
LED lights are good. Has lots of different colours, time delay to turn off and turns to disco lights with sounds/people talking lol my son loves it.
You can just have a mattress but we also put the box spring on too and there is still a lot of room where the mattress doesn’t cover the shelf

Bought this bed for my 8 year old son, and he loves it. This bed is very stylish and super easy to assemble (I did it myself). It feels very sturdy. I did use a boxspring as well as the mattress, it is a bit high, but it works. Love this bed.. and cannot emphasize enough how pleasantly surprised I was by how easy this assembly was.

This bed frame is really nice. Assembly was quick and easy, and so far, it seems sturdy. The only thing I would suggest to improve is including a couple more of those sticky wire holders for the LED extension. But the lights were the perfect length and work well, making it look awesome. This is an amazing deal!

The instructions are not the best, but once put together it looks great. Love that I can plug in a USB cable directly in the head board.


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