Easy to assemble, so pretty and the size is perfect for any corner. We love the storage underneath and the outlets in the back for phone and other electronic connections. Such a good value. Highly recommend!
Needed something simple for my sons nursery to put nightlight and this fits the bill. It was way to assemble and it’s sturdy and cute. We filled the bottom with stuffed animals and the top has plenty of room for books and the light.
Super cute and very easy to put together, includes all tools needed and even spare bolts. Excellent price with 2 additional plugs and 2 USB ports.
If you’re looking for an affordable end table, this is a good one. It has the useful usb ports and a basket which is convenient. We use it as a table in our baby’s room and it fits her toys in the bottom and helps hold my water bottle and other things on the table. It’s study enough, was easy to assembly, and the material is as expected (particle board). I don’t like that it seems to get water spots and dirty looking so easy on the top but on the other hand, it’s easy to clean. I love the basket on the bottom, that was my main goal when purchasing this product.
They fit perfectly with the bed, I recommend that if you have a bed with round corners buy this type of circular tables, they look very good with the style, they don't weigh at all, easy to assemble and the height of the tables is perfect, also easy to clean. 100% recommended
So easy to assemble, took less than 10min. It works perfectly in the space I want it for, very sturdy, extremely light weight, I think for the cost it’s perfect. I would spend what I did for it again.
The VASAGLE Side Table with Charging Station is a fantastic addition to any living space, combining style, functionality, and convenience. The integrated charging station is incredibly handy, keeping all of my devices powered up while the round tabletop and fabric basket offer ample storage and a sleek, modern look. The color pink is just perfect for kids room or to add an extra pop of color to any room.
This table is the perfect size next to my granddaughters bed, the plug outlet and phone charges are an extra bonus.