Shalini Upholstered Platform Bed Frame, Mattress Foundation, Wood Slat Support, No Box Spring Needed, Easy Assembly, Dark Grey, Full

Shalini Upholstered Platform Bed Frame, Mattress Foundation, Wood Slat Support, No Box Spring Needed, Easy Assembly, Dark Grey, Full

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Bought one of these when I moved into my first apartment during college and it exceeded all my expectations. Options for bed frames at IKEA and other stores ended up being quite pricey so I was pleasantly surprised to find the ZINUS options on Amazon. It looks much better than many options at this price point and is easy to assemble/disassemble and quite sturdy with no squeaking or shifting. I've recommended it to many friends who have tried it and also been quite pleased. If you're looking for a budget frame for college or your first apartment give it a try!

I purchased a king for my master bedroom and two queens for my guest bedrooms. I have had these for two years. The beds have remained solid and sturdy. The fabric on the headboards still looks new. I built all three by myself and found assembly to be very easy. I especially liked how the beds arrived with all parts contained within the headboards. The height of the beds are just perfect. You will not find higher quality beds that look as nice for anywhere close to this price.

This bed frame was extremely well packaged to prevent damage but also to prevent styrofoam from infecting your house. The instructions were easy to follow and the handy little ratchet with Allen head was fantastic! The bed frame seems well designed and sturdy, and it went together flawlessly! Highly recommend!

Good price, Good looks, easy to steup, comes with all the required tools.

It is a bit heavy though, and I needed help taking it to second floor. Took almost half an hour to assemble.

I've bought this bed twice, and I love how high it sits off the ground—it's nice to have a bed that's not so low. It's life-changing for someone of my height. It's affordable and easy to assemble, taking only 3-4 times less time than usual beds on Amazon. Although it’s inexpensive, it's sturdy for the price. However, the legs may break after a year and a half if you're prone to moving it. Aesthetically, it's okay but does leave something to be desired; nevertheless, it's very comfortable.

Simple to put together yet very sturdy! Instructions were very easy to follow with tools included. Took no more than 30 minutes to put together.

When we ordered this originally, there was a hole in the headboard! I had a chat with Amazon customer service and they ordered replacement immediately and the replaced order looks amazing with excellent quality! Very easy to assemble with tools included! Value for money

I have trouble turning on a light switch. Enclosed was a terrific small ratchet that is so helpful.

Bed looks good, and is sturdy. Well-designed. I was surprised how inexpensive it is. Meets my needs perfectly.

Bought for rarely used guest bedroom where I had queen-sized mattress on floor - unappealing.

Box is heavy so I unpacked parts downstairs and carried them up. Please assemble with a partner as recommended. I was solo 98% of time and that made assembly slow.

Dark pictograph instructions were sometimes hard to figure out initially. No written explanation, which would have helped pathetic me.

I thought it was missing 4 one-inch bolts. Went to Lowe’s to buy equivalent but not exact. Decided I’d finish it next day. Put on my jeans and found original bolts in my pocket. LOL. This taught me to leave all parts close together and not in my pocket.

I am impressed and pleased with Zinus. Michael

Good product for the price. Have had for almost a year and still holding up well. Easy to put together.

Was super easy to put together, took me maybe 30-45 minutes by myself. Seems super sturdy once it was all set up. Got the king size and looks great.

It took 30 to 40 minutes to assemble, and looks really good. the material is good, and the color is really neutral. It is really heavy

Love this bed. A beautiful colour, nice quality fabric and super sturdy. All the piece came in the headboard and assembled very easily, it even came with a Allen key wrench, that maybe wasn't the bed quality but was super handy. I wish the headboard was a bit taller but that would have made it more expensive so I'm ok with it. The only quality issue that I could passible knit pick about is the corner of the fabric are not super crisp. I sew so I know how to make a nice sharp corner with fabric but I don't think it would be noticable to anyone who doesn't sew.

This is the 4th Zinus bed frame I've bought, one for my old bed, two for family members, and this one. I have nothing but good things to say about them. I've been getting the folding platform bases, because of the perfect balance of low price, excellent quality and silence, and ease of assembly/disassembly/moving. Having just gotten a new mattress, I wanted something a little more decorative, so I sprung for this upholstered frame, and so far it's great!
This is obviously more expensive than the folding platform bases Zinus makes, but to be honest, compared with similar frames I've seen in other places, they're still very reasonably priced, so no complaints there. This is also considerably more difficult to assemble, but that is no surprise in comparison, since their folding bases literally go together or apart in 5 minutes assembled by one person, being shipped almost entirely assembled and just unfolded and screwing on 4 wing nuts. That being said, I assembled it in around an hour, and a good 10 minutes of that was just getting it out of the box, since a second person would be really helpful for that. All tools needed are included, and the instructions are clear and easily understood. The fact that all pieces are contained inside the headboard continues Zinus' tradition of making their bed frames easy to move, which I really liked about the platform bases. This will obviously take a lot longer to disassemble than those, but I bet knowing how it goes together now, I could likely take the whole thing apart in about 20 minutes, and reassemble it in half an hour or so. It's only really 8 pieces, and 2 rolls of slats, so total 10 pieces and about a dozen Allen screws (OH, and the legs. Add 4 legs, which are sort of pieces and sort of fasteners). The tools provided are a regular Allen key, and a really interesting ratcheting Allen wrench thing which works really well for being such a basic thing. Ikea could seriously take notes. I might even use it for other Allen bolts, because it's neat!

Once I had it put together, and having tightened down all the screws properly, I was unsurprised to find that it is equally as silent as my other Zinus frames. This is my favorite thing about their frames, they make ZERO noise, as long as you put them together properly. My platform base from my old bed has been completely silent for about 4 years now, which I have never experienced with any other frame. I have rubber glides under each leg because I'm on laminate floors, and that's all that is needed. I have never needed to re-tighten the wing nuts in that entire time.
PROTIP: Just like when assembling anything else, you want to:
A: Make sure you don't tighten any fasteners completely until the whole thing is together. This keeps both sides equal in terms of tension and makes sure everything is square.
B: When you do make the final tightening of the fasteners, make sure they're good and tight. If you don't tighten the bolts/screws enough, they will back off and that's where your squeaks and rattles come from in the future.

Overall, I am so far 100% satisfied. If I run into any problems, I will update the review. Considering the luck I've had with Zinus' products thus far, I don't think that's going to be an issue. I could be wrong though, considering how different this type of frame is from the ones I've had before. That being said, there is every sign of forethought and careful engineering here, so I don't think there will be any problems.


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