I purchased this for my 17 year old and he loves it. It was easy to assemble and he slept on it the same night we ordered it. He doesn't use it as a sofa often but prefers it as a bed. His only complaint at first was that some of the tufting felt uncomfortable at first. His solution was to lay a plush blanket down to sleep on and he's loved it ever since. It's great when he has friends over as they now have a comfortable place to sit.
It’s versatile, you can use it as a couch to watch tv or a bed when you have extra guests over for the night. It’s comfortable and easy to clean. For what you pay for you get a 10/10 futon.
I am on a three month trip, and I’m cheap. Lol
I ordered this as my only couch and my only bed. It is a little too short of a seat for a super comfy couch, but it’s OK. That’s hard to describe, it’s not too close to the ground for me, but my knees come off too far. But for sleeping, with a 2 inch memory foam topper, it’s actually great. It’s crazy how easy it was to put together, and it is reasonably easy to turn from couch to bed and back. I was so hesitant, but I really like it.
I’ll say it’s easy to put together and use. It looks pretty good too. The “leather” texture is soft and I think it’ll be easy to clean.
The couch itself is a little uncomfortable. If you have a larger behind maybe skip out on this one. It’s hard to lean back and relax. In fact it’s impossible.
I think it’s semi comfortable for naps for one person. It’s nice you can put one arm rest up for a pillow and one down for more leg space.
Using it as an actual bed for sleeping is another story. I think it’s much smaller than a full. I think it could fit two children. It’s bigger than a twin though so it guess it could fit one adult. As long as they are 5”8 or shorter.
I haven’t heard too many complaints about it being the worst sleep ever, just maybe a little bit stiff and cramped. I would think about the audience you would be letting use this as a place to sleep before purchasing.
I bought it a week ago and it was super easy to assemble. It's simple and fits in well with any decor.
I like this·loveseat. Except for the shin ɓusting boards in the ɓack that are left open when the back is up. From the front, it is wonderful. If it was against a wall is would be great.
I like how versatile this is. Not the most comfortable but it's comfortable enough. The size is perfect
Does the job. Pretty small to sleep two people on it. Maybe one person? Or two children? But overall this thing is pretty cool! Also the leather is oddly soft. Pretty comfortable! (Excuse me struggling to do this with one hand lol) we are using this in the office