This product was easy to put together and looks great. It is also strong.
This 3 drawer tower is just what I needed. Where I once had a mess, these three draws have enclosed everything. My space looks so much nicer. With the help of someone else, we put the tower together in about 15 minutes. It is worth it!!!!
All though these holes dont match up on the item, the seller was kind enough to give me a refund without me having to send the item back which is extremely helpful to me as I can continue to use this item while I look for a replacement. The seller was very quick to respond to my initial review with great customer service. I very much appreciate this seller.
I bought this so that my grandson has a spot for my grandson when he spends the weekend. I wish I bought 2 or bought a bigger one. It goes perfectly with the decor in his room. It nice and sturdy. Certainly worth it.
I think I should have taken more pictures. This is amazing! This is sturdy, it holds more that I would have thought, and is attractive. Great for the price.
This was fairly easy to assemble, an extra pair of hands is better. One of the holes did not accept the screw correctly so the top is a tiny bit loose on that corner. The directions that come with it are not great, just pictures of the parts but not a description of how to assemble them. Overall, for the money, this is a good end table. I like the look of it and it fits well in our space.
I fine for the price. This was a great dresser to buy. I like the cloth the drawers move very easily. The fake wood top looks nice enough and real beautiful dresser for the price I would buy another one if I needed to.
I bought this for my office at work and it’s super cute. The drawers are fabric but look like real wood, most people aren’t able to tell until touching them that they’re fabric. It’s a good size for a small night stand or drawer unit and fairly sturdy. It was easy to put together and didn’t have any damage on it when I received it.