This futon was easy to assemble. My UPS guy was kind enough to slide the box into my apartment but I was on my own after that. I'm a 5'2" woman and I felt this was easy to assemble. I just took my time and the instructions were very simple. It is sturdy and fairly comfortable. I do have a little ottoman that I use because just having my feet on the floor wasn't comfortable, so I don't know how comfortable it would be for a taller person because it is very low to the ground. But as far as something simple until you decide to upgrade, I recommend this futon. The color is bright red and fits my decor perfectly.
Mega easy to put together - two legs just screw in, the other two take four screws that you quickly do with an Allen key. 10 minutes. Unpacking it took longer! Folds down into a sofa bed easily and is also great as a couch. As a back-up piece of furniture, it's really great. Not huge - a one person sleeper (twin size), and not a sofa for your larger friends; but absolutely did what I wanted it to - great part time accommodation.
There’s a hard bar feel in the middle. I got a memory foam topper. Will use when sleeping.
Delivered in bad condition. Back was ripped
I really wanted to like this, but its very uncomfortable and came with a small tear in the fabric at the center console
Well be returning. Put it together today. Cup holder are broken and fabric is torn...going back!
This futon is perfect. Its a little low but comfy.
This is the worst sofa that I have ever bought. Not comfortable at all. Feels like just springs in an old mattress. Came with a small rip in fabric. Returning seems complicated .