The came in two boxes, and were very easy to assemble. It came very quickly as well! It’s a beautiful color and was exactly what we were looking for. The price is cheap so you can expect some discomfort with the seating, but i think once it has been sat on for a bit it’s loosen up. The throw pictures are just as pictured as well. Very beautiful! Highly recommend!
As expected in the product details . The color and the overall look is amazing and as mentioned .. Happy & Satisfied with the Sofa.
Some of the bars needed for assembly we're slightly bent making assembly quite difficult. This couch is extremely uncomfortable, it is almost as bad as sitting on the floor. Wish I would've saved the money I spent on this and put it towards something better.
Firstly, didn't lock in just in case I wanted to move it.
Beautiful, easy to put together and what I was looking for.
While it was very easy to assemble wouldn't recommend sitting on it for awhile its very stiff and the back of the couch is very small so your shoulders and head can't rest on it at all.
The couch it self is really hard and not comfortable, but you do get what you pay for
The couch itself is a bit over priced in our opinion. The set up is easy, the size is great. But the cushions have like zero padding and it’s like sitting on a stiff trampoline. It’s the perfect size looks great easy to put together but for the price we expected it to be more comfortable at least.